For many, the winter season means cold season. Winter colds are often blamed on germ exposure during holiday travel at the airport, or more time spent inside. However, the cold virus is out there all year long. But the stress of the holidays (and the catch-up after!) leave you more susceptible due to lack of sleep, which leaves your immune system unable to function properly because of stress.
Spinal Discs - Shock Absorbers of the Spine
Just as your car needs shock absorbers to operate properly, your body also has its own set of shock absorbers. The discs (or "shock absorbers) of your body and spine work with the natural curves of your spine to reduce stress and pressure as you move. These discs separate each vertebra, and create the space needed for your nerves to exit your spinal cord, which is what allows them to keep your organs and body tissue healthy. Rings of fibrous tissue called the annulus contain a soft jelly center. You need these to be healthy and aligned, keeping your body on track.
Solutions for Sciatic Pain
When looking for solutions to sciatic pain, chiropractic care is often at the top of the list. Chiropractic care effectively helps sciatic pain sufferers, without uncomfortable side effects that one would see with medication or surgery. But, remember that chiropractic is not an overnight solution. And if you're going to do something, you might as well do it right, which usually requires time. Repair, healing, and relief do not happen in a snap. Regular chiropractic visits can help you on your journey to finding relief, but what about immediate solutions?
Here's to a Healthy New Year!
Chiropractic to Improve Your Range of Motion
The body's ability to move is incredibly important, and it is also something many of us take for granted. Any number of things can lead to difficulty in even the simplest movements, from poor lifestyle choices to sports related injuries to aging. Chiropractic can help better your life by improving your range of motion.