What to Expect From Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care is similar to dental care, certain things have to happen with repetition in order for everything to work properly. To ensure your teeth stay strong, you must clean them daily and have a professional check on them regularly. If you don't floss, you notice a difference. The same is true for your spine and nervous system. Your body have to go through a plan of care, and regular maintenance in order to function at its best. This is why there are phases of chiropractic care to get patients well:

Phase 1: Relief Care

Most patients coming into our office are looking for relief from their pain. It is our number 1 objective to get you feeling comfortable as quickly as possible. Depending on your specific issue, we will make recommendations for a care plan that will help get you pain-free as soon as we can. It is typical to need care 2-3 times per week for 4-12 weeks. depending on the severity of your issue.

Phase 2: Corrective & Restorative Care

Once we eliminate your pain, your muscles and other tissues will be able to heal more completely. This can help to prevent future similar injuries. Once you get into the corrective and restorative form of care, it is typical to need care 4-8 times per month to maintain your optimal functionality.

Phase 3: Wellness Care

This is the best place for our patients to be. We still recommend coming in periodically for adjustments to prevent any issues from occurring. This usually involves coming in once or twice per month based on your age, health, and lifestyle goals.


Payment Options


Floral Vale Chiropractic wants to provide care for you and your family which is why we offer a pricing structure that allows care for all budgets. Our care is covered by most insurance programs and we also accept car accident and worker's compensation cases. If you insurance has little or no chiropractic coverage, we can also arrange for flexible payment programs. If you have specific questions, feel free to give us a call: (215) 968-5935.

New Patient Forms

Floral Chiropractic offers our patient form(s) online so they can be completed at your convenience.

  • If you do not already have AdobeReader® installed on your computer, Click Here to download our fillable form with the proper software.
  • You can fill the form online and email it to floralvalechiropractic@gmail.com prior to your first visit or if you prefer you can download the necessary form(s), print them out, fill in the required information and bring them with you to your first visit.

>> Click here << to download the New Patient Health History Form